Friday 15 October 2010

Alternatives to Reading Aloud in Class IV

Here’s another idea that takes a bit of organising, but increases student responsibility and engagement. And these things are strong motivating factors.

Divide the class into groups of three if you have 24+ students, or pairs if you have fewer. Let’s say this gives you ten groups or pairs. Choose ten reading texts in the book and assign one to each group/pair.

The group is now responsible for the presentation of that text. Tell them that they will have fifteen minutes to present when you get to that page in the book (which of course could be months from now).

They can, if they wish, merely read the text to the class (books closed). They can talk about the topic of the text and/or about any new words that they have found. If you have the right technology in the classroom, they can make a powerpoint or other kind of presentation for the class. Bring back show and tell!

Teachers should promise that they will be available to them for any preparation work they may need. It doesn’t mean extra work. You can build in a few minutes at the end of each lesson when you can do this.

Your students may get quite nervous, even stressed, as the day approaches when they have to present the text. But the experience will be memorable and exciting for them, and may even improve their English. Always a nice side-effect.

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